Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Festival Hydro.
Information Regarding Generation Facilities Interconnection to Festival Hydro
One of the goals of the Provincial Government is to create more opportunities and encourage the connection of generation facilities to the electrical distribution grid. As a result, Festival Hydro offers connection of various Distributed Energy Resources as prescribed and allowed under the Distribution System Code (e.g. net-metering, load displacement). Please visit each page on our website for further details on each type of connection.
These programs allow customers to generate some or all of their electric load requirements. The process is governed by regulated financial settlements with the Local Distribution Company (LDC) in accordance with the Retail Settlement Code (RSC).
What do you need to know about distributed energy resources? They are considered any facility which is not directly connected to the transmission grid, but instead is connected to a distribution system and is able to produce and distribute their own electricity (i.e. Festival Hydro).
Festival Hydro supports the incorporation of these facilities within the electrical distribution system in Festival Hydro territory. The process is guided by the latest revision of the Distribution System Code (DSC) issued by the Ontario Energy Board . The Code sets out the minimum obligations that a licensed electricity distributor (such as an LDC) must meet in carrying out its obligations. The latest revision of the Code can be found on the official website of the OEB under Industry Relations/Rules, Codes, Guidelines and Codes.
Generators of electricity are divided into different sizes in accordance with the DSC.
Festival Hydro will apply its Conditions of Service for any generation interconnection costs and/or any metering changes that Festival Hydro deems necessary to allow for settlement purposes.
The Process
If you are interested in installing a distributed energy resource to Festival Hydro’s distribution read through the Grid Connection Information Package for full details on the requirements and timelines based on the project size and area. All documentation and information can be found in the Forms/Templates section.
Specific details for each type and size of connection can be found in the Grid Connection Information Package.